Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Friday the 13th...

So the big one year anniversary is coming up for my boyfriend and I. One year already I can't believe it, it has gone by so fast. But here is my problem, I am stumped what to get him for the special day. I mean all that boy ever buys himself is parts for his bullet bike, and I think he is getting pretty sick of me always buying him clothes. Which I love to do... So I need some suggestions. I thought about getting like a couples massage for us, but I got him (alone) a massage for Valentine's Day. I mean there is always the typical cologne or stuff like that, but he has so much of that already that I don't think he would know what to do with more of it... He has two watches that he never wears, so that's out of the question. So now I am back to square one. Please if you have any ideas help me out. Our anniversary is June 13th. And just my luck I have a very superstitious boyfriend, and our anniversary falls on the dreaded Friday the 13th (Dun Dun Dun...) So he doesn't even want to celebrate it that night... He's so funny!! When we are walking down the street and things he won't let us split polls or step on cracks, things like that. Pure rubbish if you ask me. Well wish me luck on the gift ideas!!! TTYL!!!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Who wants to be The Biggest Loser??

I do... I do... Last time this was so easy, why am I struggling now?? Why isn't the weight just falling off like it was before?? Then I realize I have hit a PLATEAU!!! Some of my co-workers and I participated in a mock competition of The Biggest Loser last January. We did a three month competition and I came out victorious. I lost a total of like 40 lbs. I was so proud of my results that I kept at it. And since that have lost another 15 lbs and noticed a huge change in my appearance. Not only had I lost a total so far of 55lbs, I have lost 4 dress sizes and multiple inches off my hips, butt and especially my gut!! As of March we decided to have another little trial of The Biggest Loser. In the time so far allowed I have only lost 7 lbs. 7 lbs What is the deal?? I am doing everything I did last time, and my body is just clinging to that evil stuff called FAT!!! I still want to ditch another 20-25 lbs and am having the hardest time getting rid of it... I have tried everything and it seems like the only thing that has been working is Pilate's and Yoga 4 times a week.. That is great for me, but bad news for my boyfriend... He keeps asking me when he gets his girlfriend back, because I am always at the gym. I tell him to come with me, (he got a gym membership, but has only used it like 4 times) but he keeps telling me he is to lazy to go... Well I'm not to lazy and am more determined than ever to get rid of these last few pounds, no matter what it takes... I can't wait to be able to put on a bikini or a pair of shorts and actually feel good about my body... I will keep you all updated on my progress... I will be The Biggest Loser!!!!

Saturday, May 24, 2008

What is it about Cherry Flavoring??

Like the typical American, when given a choice of flavoring for a drink, slushy or anything else, I go for Cherry, well not anymore!!! Back in the first part of May, I had to go in for my first colonoscopy, a not so pleasurable experience, might I say!! If any of you have had a colonoscopy before, you will know about the Prep that you are FORCED to drink the night prior. They offer you your choice of flavoring to add to this god awful mixture that tastes like you have dipped your cup in The Great Salt Lake. I chose Cherry, BIG MISTAKE!!! I couldn't keep the stuff down. You are suppose to drink a glass within 10-30minutes, It took me over an hour to attempt to drink just one. And I still had 7 more glasses to go!! Can I just tell you how that makes for a long night. I was trying to add everything I could to it to make it taste better. I tried Black Cherry Propel (my favorite flavor) and now I can never drink the stuff again. I finally got a great idea from my mother to add Orange Juice, well that would have worked out perfect if I would have added the orange flavoring to the mixture. But instead I suffer and attempt to finish this orange/cherry/ salt water concoction that I have made. I am only able to get it down by plugging my nose and imagining it to taste like chocolate. Yum chocolate, I hadn't eaten anything all day but Jell-O. (That's just another story by its self) So needless to say I can now no longer drink anything that tastes like Cherry without being reminded of my horrid experience that I went through and get to go through again every 5 years for the rest of my life. Cheers!!

Friday, May 23, 2008

House Hunting 101

So I am new to this whole blogging experience, please bear with me if what I type is boring. This is an exciting time in my life, I am in the process of purchasing my first home and really want to share my experiences. Who knows maybe whomever is reading this will have some advice or suggestions for me. I have come to the conclusion that the hardest part of the whole home buying experience is actually trying to find a home that you feel is worth investing in. I mean this is a lot of money and I definitely do not want to get in over my head. What if I buy a home that everyone else hates, and I can never resale it?? I don't want to be stuck in the same home for the rest of my life, so finding a home is going to take me forever. Good thing all my pre-qualifying paperwork is good for awhile and I am not rushed into making a decision right now!! I have never been good at making decisions. :) But I promise as soon as I find a home I will definitely post pictures and keep you all ( which really is only my mother right now!!) updated on the process. So until then.. Have a great day and Happy Blogging!!