Friday, June 19, 2009

My life... in a nut shell...

So, what a life I have had lately. I hurt my foot really bad about 2 weeks ago, so that has prevented me from doing my normal daily functions like going to the gym, out dancing with my friends and taking my puppy for a walk. But the foot is starting to get better quick and I think I can start hitting the gym again next week!!! I also get to go back to my cocktail waitressing job tonight and I am super excited for that! Yeah!! I am not the type of person that does good when I am handed a restriction in my life...

I did manage to go out with some friends last Sunday night, we went to a club called Karramba. We were there for about 5 minutes and this crazy guy walks in the club and like scoped me out within seconds. I tried everything to get him to leave me alone, but he was like a lost puppy dog. So instead of getting to hang out with my friends and have a good time I had to leave. And as soon as I left he left also!! How is it that all the crazies are instantly attracted to me?? LOL

1 comment:

Allie and Fam said...

You need to be extra careful with your body with your calendar!! Which reminds me, I totally dropped the ball last week when we were supposed to hang out! SO sorry!!!!!