Thursday, July 17, 2008

I am Horrible....

I have gotten horrible at my blogging. I can't believe it has been a month since I have posted last. Grrr.. I am so frustrated with myself now. I keep telling myself that I have been busy and had no time, but my mother keeps telling me how I have had plenty of time, I just haven't been taking advantage of it. Well let me update you with my life... Let's see... hmmm really nothing has happened. I got a really bad case of food poisoning two nights ago, and that has been an awful experience. If anybody wants to try a risky diet and needs to lose five+ pounds in two days just puke your guts out, don't eat or drink for 48 hours and you will accomplish your goal!!! The only great thing that has come out of the unhealthy weight loss is the BIG Nordstrom's sale is tomorrow and I will have a killer body for that. :) I am taking the weekend off work and Dinko and I are going on a mini vacation to Lava Hot Springs to get some R&R. He has never been and I haven't been since I graduated from high school. He loves sitting in hot tubs so this should be fun for both of us. Especially after my near death experience with the food poisoning I could use the rest. We will also be taking our puppy, so I will post pictures when I get home. I hope everything is going well for all of you. Keep in touch and let me know what is happening is your lives!!!


Alicia said...

Bear (our doggie) Tagged Bella on our blog...check it out!

Allie and Fam said...

It's nice to see you back... can't wait to see pics of your weekend. I bet it was fun!!